Accountant-friendly billing?
Yeah, we do that too.
Yeah, we do that too.
Our built-in billing features are designed to keep your accountant happy and make billing back to clients easier than ever.
Generate clear and straightforward billing reports
Say goodbye to vague and indecipherable credit card statements. We provide detailed billing reports that include an itemized list of each transaction and fee that is completed through our eFiling system. Your accountant will thank you.
the process of billing back to clients
Our billing reports offer a simple and efficient way to bill back your clients for the fees they are responsible for paying, so you can get paid faster.
Leverage our built-in
payment structure
for larger firms
for larger firms
For firms with complex and expensive court cases, we handle all payment processes for you and make it easy for your accounts receivable team to manage payments.
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the MyFileRunner difference?
Keep tedious and frustrating eFiling processes off your agenda.